How to Tell If Your Graphics Card Is Dying

It is usual to see graphic cards fail when you use your desktop computer excessively. Many people know how to tell if your graphics card is dying, from the symptoms that you can see on the screen of your desktop. However, there are others who are not aware of it.

In this article, we are going to provide you an insight into the ways to find out if your graphics card is dying. There are also multiple graphics card failure test procedures you may engage in to find out if your motherboard is having an issue as well. This information is easy to access and can give you the most accurate results in your graphics card functioning exploration. 

Without further ado, let’s jump into the list of symptoms that say that your graphics card is close to the failure point.


How to Tell If Your Graphics Card Is Dying

How to Tell If Your Graphics Card Is Dying

You start to see many screen glitches

It usually happens when you are playing an online game, or watch your favorite 3-hour long movie. Strange colors and pixels appear on your screen suddenly, and these are signs that something wrong is going on with your graphics card.

On some occasions, all things go back to normal when you restart your desktop computer. However, if the problem persists, you may be sure about the graphics card failure that is coming up.

Artifacts appear in several places over your screen

People that have seen glitches before on their screens, are probable to see some strange artifacts later on. These are similar to these glitches only, that they are bigger and brighter than them.

If you don’t have a clue about how to tell if your graphics card is dying, then the appearance of the artifacts is a safe and secure way to be sure about it.

The appearance of the Windows blue screen

It has been the nightmare of every professional and amateur Windows user. If you see that blue screen right after you log in to Windows and right before the program drivers are installed, then you may suffer from a RAM or motherboard issue.

However, if you start viewing the blue screen when you load an online game that requires millions of graphics pixels, then you may be certain that your graphics card is slowly dying. 

Internal fan noise

It may seem weird to most of the inexperienced PC users, but all graphics card adapters do have fans to make sure that there is no overheating. Most of the people that have opened the cover of their desktop can tell the difference between the motherboard fan and the graphics card one.

That is why you will know when the internal fan of your graphics adapter stops working.

Most of the time, it just takes a minute to clean up the fan and make it work the way it should be. Dust accumulates to the fan wings and can make its rotation impossible. If the fan problem persists, then it’s time for you to have a replacement for your graphics adapter card.


It is not hard to say when your graphics card is not working as it should be. Many people around the world can tell the difference between graphics card failure and other internal microchip issues.

A Graphics card is a sensitive part of your PC and needs special care to remain intact for years. That is why you need to invest in a good graphics card that will be stable for all the harsh types of work you are about to perform.

Today graphics adapters are easy to find and have become more affordable compared to the recent past. You have no excuse for letting your PC slowly deteriorate in performance, using a graphics card that is close to death.

Modern software needs the best graphics card you can purchase, so make sure you are always having the best equipment to ensure proper quality.

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