How to See Saved Posts on Reddit on Phone & PC

You read a lot of Reddit postings in a day. Isn’t it true that you’d like to save some of them as well? The URL to the post is saved on your user profile when you save the post. This guarantees that all of your saved posts are in one place for you to access at any time.

How inconvenient would it be if you saved your favorite posts on Reddit to see them later but couldn’t figure out where they were all stored? We’ll assist you with that today. In this article, we’ll show you how to see saved posts on Reddit. We’ve also established two sections for you to view saved Reddit posts on mobile and PC. Let’s go.

How to See Saved Posts on Reddit on Phone

If you are a frequent user of Reddit and want to locate your Reddit saved posts, we have step-by-step instructions for you.

  • Step 1 – You must first launch the Reddit app on your smartphone to find your Reddit saved posts.
  • Step 2 – If you want to find Reddit app-saved posts, you’ll have to sign in to your account on the app first if that’s the case, you can move on to the next step. If you haven’t already, simply enter your account details and you will be automatically signed in to your account.
  • Step 3 – When you log in to your Reddit account, you’ll be sent to the main feed page, where you can scroll down to see the posts from all of the accounts you follow. You only need to go to the profile section now, which you can do by tapping the user symbol in the top left corner of the program. Just press the button.
  • Step 4 – Options such as profile, Reddit coins, history, saved, and Reddit premium are available when you click the user icon. The option you must select is “Saved”.

You may browse saved Reddit posts on that account after tapping the saved button. That’s it, you’ve located all of your Reddit-saved posts. So, these are the few actions you’ll need to do to locate the Reddit posts you’ve saved on your smartphone.

How to See Saved Posts on Reddit on Phone & PC

How to See Saved Posts on Reddit on PC

If you’ve stored a lot of Reddit posts in your account and want to find them, just follow the below steps. It’s also quite simple to locate Reddit saved posts on a PC. So, let’s take a step-by-step look at the entire procedure.

  • Step 1 – Certainly, the first thing you should do is open your browser and go to the Reddit website. To open it, you may use any standard web browser. It will redirect you to the Reddit website, where you need to log in to your Reddit account if you already haven’t done so.
  • Step 2 – Now, go to the upper right corner of the website and select the username option. When you choose the username option, a variety of sidebar will appear, including Profile, create, night mode, Reddit currency, and so on. You must select the “Profile” option.
  • Step 3 – The overview, posts, comments, downvoted, awards given, upvoted, hidden, and saved are just a few of the tabs you’ll find here. For each account’s activity, Reddit may save a lot of data. Simply select Saved from the drop-down menu to see all of your saved posts on Reddit. It will show you a comprehensive list of all the content that you have saved.

That’s all; now you know how to see saved posts on Reddit on your phone and computer. We hope we were able to alleviate your concerns. Now browse through all of your saved posts once more and enjoy.

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